Thursday, September 16, 2010

Job Hazards Sample for Employees.

-Electronic Assembly Safety Hazards-

*Forklift Traffic-
Forklifts may occasionally be used inside or outside the electronic assembly area to move materials. Never walk in the path of a moving forklift. Assure eye contact is made between you and the driver when in the proximity of a forklift. Use caution when walking around a forklift even when not in use to avoid trip hazards involving the extended forks.

*Slips & Falls- Pay attention when walking in this department. Cut pieces of wire, plastic bags, or protective wrapping debris may be present on the floor and are some of the slip and fall hazards within this department.

*Compressed Air- Compressed air is occasionally used in this area to operate tools or blow of parts. Assure that when using compressed air or working around someone using compressed air that you do not enter into an area that places you in line with the direct air discharge of the operating equipment. Do not use compressed air to clean your body or the surrounding work area at any time.

*Cuts “razor knives/cutting tools”- Razor knives are occasionally used in this department for cutting operations. Equipment components themselves can posses a sharp edge that can cause a laceration if not careful. Assure proper hand protection is worn such as gloves when necessary especially if handling parts with sharp edges. Razor knives should have sharp blades that can perform a clean cut with minimal force. Do not use dull or broken blades in razor knives. Do not use knives that are home made in origin. When cutting always use a direction of cutting that is away from the body. Use care when handling tools with screw tips or cutting bits. Do not allow your fingers to enter into the spinning or moving area of a tool.

*Small Tools “saw”- Occasionally small tools that use either air or electrical power supply may be used in this department. Drills, & screw guns are examples. Always assure the tools are in proper working condition before use. Pay special attention to safety features such as trigger locks, and blade guards. Do not use tools without proper training or authorization. Do not use tools that are altered or have safety features that are inoperative, or altered.

*Heavy Lifting- Occasional lifting is performed in this department. Lifting primarily relates to the carrying of boxed parts within the department. Always grip boxes firmly to stop them from sliding, or becoming unbalanced. Use carts for transporting loads over long distances. Use care when stacking/pulling boxes of parts. Do not stack the boxes too high to cause a hazard. Use care when pulling the box to assure no parts are stacked on top. Apply proper lifting techniques.

*Electrical Hazards-
This department does have electrical testing equipment within the area. Prime examples of this are the sensor & control panel testing stations. Stay free of these areas while the testing is in progress. Do not enter the testing area unless assigned to work there. Approach the employees working the area cautiously to avoid startling them while working. Do not place yourself in precarious position within these locations.

*Chemicals “glues/primers/epoxy’s”- Chemicals are used throughout this department. Pay attention to chemical exposure. Always use all required personal protective equipment. Do not place chemicals in unlabeled containers. Store chemicals in safe areas during use that are free from heat sources. Never mix chemicals that you are not trained and authorized to use. Never mix chemical wastes.

*Hand Injuries- Hand injuries can occur in this department primarily small cuts. Use special care when handling parts with sharp edges especially sheet metal or plastic edge components. Use care when handling cutting tools to avoid cuts and punctures including snips or side cutters.

*Safety Glasses- Safety glasses are mandatory in all production areas including this department. Adequate eye protection must be worn at all times while in the plant during operation..

*Earplugs- Hearing protection is mandatory in all high dB production areas. This department is excluded but hearing protection is required when entering the remainder of the production departments. In these areas adequate hearing protection must be worn at all times, with earplugs as the minimum standard.

*Respirators/Charcoal Masks- Respirators may be used within this department at the request of the employee. Charcoal masks are also provided but not mandatory. Remember a respirator is a breathing apparatus designed to provide you the user with safe, clean, filtered air. Assure your respirator fits properly. Replace your respirator cartridges regularly. Maintain your respirator in good, clean working order. The respirator should be cleaned daily using an alcohol wipe, and stored in a plastic bag when not in use. Respirators are used in this department to protect primarily from dust or particle exposure. Never leave you respirator out and unprotected when not in use.

*Report all safety violations, accident, or incidents immediately to your supervisor.

Signed: _________________________________ Date: ____________________

Translator: ______________________________ Date: ____________________

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